Redeeming the Time

4: Time for Family Worship, Part 1

4: Time for Family Worship, Part 1

By regularly having family worship, we can more naturally and easily bring biblical teaching into every area. We do not need to “inject” God or the Bible into regular life, but have this as the paramount thoughts and meditations throughout the day. God’s instructions come to govern everything that we say, do, and think, making this a regular part of our daily rhythm.

3: Redeeming Time for Scripture

3: Redeeming Time for Scripture

Like with prayer, we must set aside time explicitly for the purpose of reading and studying the Bible (meditating, or chewing on, and digesting the Word). As with prayer, we ought to jealously guard this time, recognizing that God’s priorities take precedence over everything else, and, in fact, set the course for every area of our lives. The only way to have a well-ordered life (redeeming the time) is for us to regularly and actively be in God’s Word.

2: Redeeming Time for Prayer

2: Redeeming Time for Prayer

We saw in the last devotional that we have a biblical mandate to redeem the time. This is a comprehensive command that pursues walking in the light, and is contrasted with living as the world lives. Despite being comprehensive, there are many ways that this command is practical. It literally refers to going over every area of our lives and heart, actively testing them with Scripture, and then seeking to conform them to what we learn is pleasing to God.

1: A Biblical Foundation

1: A Biblical Foundation

In a way, redeeming the time is as seeking to conquer our hearts for the Lord, according to the grace that we have in Christ. We can either be active or passive in this pursuit. However, be warned: is anyone is a genuine believer, then they will seek to be active in this pursuit, whether they are consciously aware of all that entails or not. This is because, to not do so is what characterizes those still in darkness, who have not yet seen the light of Christ or His gospel.